ACCREC 2019 3Gs Projects

Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals.

Environmental Benefits of Planting TreesTrees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife

The basic food for all organisms is produced by green plantsPlants help in maintaining oxygen balance, the most important gas that enable us to breathe. Animals emit carbon dioxide by taking in oxygen. … Removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere reduces the greenhouse effect and global warming.



Since the return of African Climate Change Research Centre’s (ACCREC’s) United Nations’ Lima COP 20 climate change confab delegates, the Centre resolve to squarely
deal and assist the northern part of Nigeria in its fight against
desertification and deforestation. The aim is to bring back to life its Maiduguri Field
Office, which is being manned by its Project Manager, Barrister Mustapha Ali Busuguma.
Earlier on, in 2009, when Boko Haram insurgents attacked Borno State,
the Maiduguri Field Office was immediately shutdown because of
the activities of the insurgents. ACCREC’s project host communities
have always been targeted by Boko Haram. A typical example was the brutal killing
of a Village Head of Auno village immediately after ACCREC visited the village people in its
concerted effort to enlighten communities on the dangers of cutting
down trees, and the need to embrace planting of trees in order to save our environment.

ACCREC’s Maiduguri Field Office swung into full action. It identified a piece of farmland measuring 10,000sqm (1 hectare) and kick-started its GOING GREEN
AT GRASSROOT(3Gs) tree planting project in line with the ambition of the GREAT
GREEN WALL Programme.

Today, ACCREC is happily an owner of over 20,000 nursery beds of Neem trees, 50,000 nursery beds of Jatropha seedlings and many other drought resistant seedlings. The
purpose is to distribute them to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) .

Hence, on 15 June 2019 ACCREC partnered with Borno State Agric Village and launched “Operation Protect Desert Encroachment”. This partnership for trees’ planting distributed free Jatropha seeds to Maiduguri farmers that are residing in IDP Camps at Liwanti and Dalaya Zaraye villages.
The objective of the free distribution of Jatropha seeds is to allow the Maiduguri farmers to plant desert resistant trees that could withstand harsh geographical condition in Borno State, Nigeria.
ACCREC believes that it is only when trees are planted and allowed to respire and produce ample oxygen, rain water could be obtained in abundance.
At the moment, northeastern Nigeria is faced with serious desertification and famine. More than two million people have been displaced from their homes in the northeastern Nigeria due to violence and other grovelling absurdities. About seven million people are faced with hunger and famine in northeastern Nigeria according to a United Nations report.

ACCREC,therefore, believes that one of the main issues facing not only Borno State, but also the entire northeastern Nigeria is poverty, which exacerbated religious and communal insurgencies in the region. And the best way to ameliorate most of this kind of socioeconomic and religious conflicts is to create a productive environment that people can utilize and make themselves viable.

Finally, ACCREC strongly believes that tree planting in Borno State, Nigeria will restore it’s destroyed forest cover and tackle climate change.


1. Nura Jibo, Secretary General, ACCREC/UN-DCP on Climate Change
2. Barr. Mustapha Ali Busuguma, ACCREC’s Project Manager.
3. Dr. Usman Ali Busuguma, ACCREC’s Programme Officer, Borno State, Nigeria.
3. Hilaluddeen Muhammad, ACCREC’s
M$E Officer.