Dr. Chen has the following qualifications:
- Inventor of JW Eco‐Technology
- President/CEO of Ding Tai Co., Ltd.
- Chairman of Taiwan Association of Sustainable Ecological Engineering Development
His Achievements:
‐ Energy Globe Award winner for 2019、2018 consecutive years.
‐ The only first prize, Global Road Achievement Award, 2017
‐ Special Award of Saudi Arabia, iENA, Germany, 2017
‐ Gold Medals*2, iENA Nuremberg, Germany, 2017
‐ Gold Medals*2, International Invention Exhibition, France, 2016
‐Platinum Award, Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart, Taiwan, 2012
‐Green Energy Award, Gold Medal, Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart, Taiwan, 2009
‐Gold Medal, INPEX, Pittsburgh, U.S.A., 2004
‐Gold Medal, Special Award, Special Award of Italy, Geneva International Invention Fair, Switzerland, 2003
‐Gold Medal, Special Award, Optimising Intellectual Assets, Optimal, Singapore, 2003